
Process Documentation


Issue/Enquiry Tracking with Gnosis

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Choosing a Modality for your Issue/Enquiry Tracking System  
  3. Setting up the Issue/Enquiry Tracking Module
  4. Administering your Issue/Enquiry tracking system

The Gnosis Pro Issue Tracking Summary Tab1. Overview

The Gnosis Issue/Enquiry Tracking module helps you to track interactions with persons that require a response. The system operates in a number of modes to efficiently track either Issue tickets or other types of enquiries.

Tickets may be submitted on-line via your web site (either in a specially focused "log an issue" area, or, more simply via a "Provide Feedback" or "Contact Us" page.  Alternatively, Gnosis Pro provides an interface to assist your personnel to log a request on behalf of a person by using a ticket management tab in the person's record. This also provides an efficient mechanism for recording the person's information if it is not already in your database at the same time as the issue/enquiry ticket is logged.

Once logged the ticket may be assigned to a an owner for follow-through, tracked and reported via both standard and custom reports available in the Gnosis Reporting module.

The acts of logging and updating a ticket in the system may also be configured to automatically generate email messages to both the person requesting the action and to the assigned owner for the ticket.  If the ticket is not assigned at the time of logging, it is placed into a general "unassigned pool" and members of the unassigned ticket pool are advised by email. Owners of open tickets also have all assigned open tickets listed on their home page in Gnosis Pro.

All email updates to both external and internal parties may be fully customized with content and a layout appropriate to your application.  These emails may also contain links to allow the recipient a single-click method of updating the ticket or changing its status in the system via pages on your Gnosis enabled web site.

Advanced functionality allows special handling of tickets logged by organization based persons to optionally route new tickets to an approval contact within the organization prior to forwarding to your organization for action.  This option provides the ability for the external organization to either directly deal with and/or route, approve or reject the request as appropriate.

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2. Choosing a Modality for your Issue/Enquiry Tracking System

There are a number of different modes that may be implemented in the Issue/Enquiry tracking module:

  1. Type of Tracking:
    1. Issue Tracking - Tracks, routes and assigns trouble tickets lodged by customers
    2. Enquiry Tracking - Tracks, routes and assigns enquiries for follow-through.
  2. Ticket Approval Process
    1. Auto ticket approval - common for Enquiry Tracking implementations and customers with pre-paid support for Issue Tracking applications.
    2. Organization Based Approval Routing - Routes incoming tickets either directly to assigned owners, or, via an external customer nominated contact to approve/reject tickets before forwarding them to the unassigned ticket pool.
  3. Custom Routing
    1. Standard routing - All tickets logged via your web site are forwarded to an "unassigned pool" where they are assigned by a pool operator, or, self-assigned by a member of the pool.
    2. Custom routing rules may be implemented based on requestor's demographic, location or other information. This generally requires customization by the Connect4 product team.
    3. Custom routing rules based on ticket category and sub category - in development.

In determining the process for implementing your system, you will need to select one mode of operation for each of the above areas. Your Gnosis implementation specialist or Connect4 support will configure your system to operate using your selected combination of modes.

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3. Setting up the Issue/Enquiry Tracking Module

There are a number of steps involved in initially setting up the Issue/enquiry Tracking Module. Your Gnosis Implementation consultant will support you in the setup of your module and you may elect to perform some of these steps yourself, or, have the entire system setup managed by your consultant. The major steps are:

  1. Determine Tracking Type, Approval Process and Routing modalities for your system (see the above section for additional information)
  2. Choose a set of tracking message templates to use as a starting point for customizing the email message content and layout of email messages generated by the system
  3. Use an HTML editor to edit and customize the email message content and layout to meet your specific requirements.
  4. Setup organization wide preferences for the issue/enquiry tracking module.

Choosing Tracking Message Templates & Editing Message Files

On your Gnosis enabled web site, you will find all standard email messages sent by the system defined in the folder: /Connect4/Resources/Messages.  Standard Issue tracking templates may be found in /Connect4/Resources/Messages/11_IssueTrackingTemplates.  You may choose from the following three sets of standard templates shipped with Gnosis and found inside the above mentioned templates folder:

  • Feedback Version
  • Generic Issue Version
  • Support Ticket Version

In each of these folders, you will find both HTML and plain text versions of the following 7 email templates:

  • 11_NewToOriginator - Confirmation of newly logged ticket.
  • 11_ApprovedToOriginator - For Org. Based Approval Routing, Advice of approval to originator.
  • 11_RejectedToOriginator - For Org. Based Approval Routing, Advice of approval to originator.
  • 11_StatusChangeToOriginator - Advises the originator of any responses and/or status changes.
  • 11_ClosedToOriginator - Advised the originator of ticket response/resolution.
  • 11_ApprovalRequest - For Org. Based Approval Routing, the approval request to the org. contact.
  • 11_NotificationInternal - Notification to internal assignees of the ticket.

Copy all 14 files (7 HTML and 7 plain text) from the selected folder of templates into the /Connect4/Resources/Messages folder and modify the content using any HTML or text editor.

Setting Up Organization Wide Preferences

Preferences & Settings Menu Option in Gnosis ProPreferences for the Issue/Enquiry tracking system are managed via Gnosis Pro from the Settings | Preferences & Settings option on the Main Menu.

In the Preferences and Settings area, choose the Issue/Enquiry Tracking tab on the left hand side of the window to display the settings for this module.

The following settings may be established for this module. All these settings should be applied at the organization level.

Configuration Parameter Description
Unassigned Pool Email Address The email address used by the system to send advice of new tickets that have not been assigned to an operator.
Use 'Simple Mode' for Issue Tracking This option should be left "off"
Send email to pool on issue assignment When checked, new issues will generate emails to the unassigned pool email address
Sender email address The email address from which all emails generated by this module are to sent.
Sender email name The sender's name for all emails generated by this module.
Internal Email Notification Subject Title The email message subject for emails sent to internal recipients.
Approval Request Email Subject Title The email message subject for approval request messages (if you use this modality)
Approved Notification Subject Title The email message subject for email messages indicating approval of the ticket (if you use this modality)
Rejected Notification Subject Title The email message subject for email messages indicating the ticket has been rejected by the designated approver (if you use this modality)
Status Change Notification Subject Title The email message subject for email messages sent to the originator notifying of a status change or update to their ticket.
Issue Closed Notification Subject Title The email message subject for notifications to the originator that the ticket has been closed.
New Issue Confirmation Subject Title The email message subject for acknowledgements sent to the originator for new issues logged.

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4. Administering your Issue/Enquiry tracking system

The Issue/Enquiry tracking system is self administering from a technology point of view. There are no general administrative requirements for managing the system once it has been setup.

From a process management point of view, you will probably wish to establish a set of metrics reports that monitor statistical and process metrics such as:

  • Pareto chart of Open calls by length of time open.
  • Pie or bar chart of logged calls by category.
  • Percentage of calls closed within your target call resolution window.
  • Average time to resolve calls by each call category
  • Open and closed call volume by call handling operator

Using the Gnosis report designer, you may take the standard Issue/Enquiry tracking reports and clone and customize them to provide the exact metrics that you require.  If the provided information schemas do not provide a desired element for reporting, a call to Connect4 support or your Gnosis implementation specialist will provide you with the necessary amendments, or, you may clone and create your own amendments to reporting schema via the Settings | Administration | Schema Management tool in Gnosis Pro.

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