
Process Documentation


Importing Data into Gnosis

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Setting up the External Data Source and Mapping to Gnosis Fields.
  3. Auto-Importing External Data  
  4. Manually Processing Excluded Data
  5. Linking to Foreign Data Sources

1. Overview

Gnosis Pro includes two sophisticated data import and mapping capabilities that allow you to import data into your Gnosis Database from any external data source, and to map Gnosis Contact information to externally managed foreign data sources.

The import process includes a real-time de-duplification check and includes the capability to augment information already in your database with additional data captured externally - such as adding an existing person to a new or existing organization as a contact, or, adding an email address to an existing person record.

With the Foreign Data Source linking option, Gnosis retrieves information managed in external databases or other data sources, linking and integrating that external information with Gnosis' own contact records.  Once a Gnosis record has been linked with the external data source, Gnosis then keeps both data sources synced and linked.

Data may be setup to be imported into Gnosis by your Gnosis Administrator.  Linking to Foreign Data Sources must be setup by a Gnosis support professional and is outside the scope of this document.

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2. Setting up the External Data Source and Mapping to Gnosis Fields.

The Data Source Definition Management FormExternal data sources must be defined in Gnosis before they are available to be imported by Gnosis users. This definition includes the mapping of each field in the external data source to an equivalent Gnosis Database Field.

To setup the definition for the external data source, login to Gnosis Pro as an administrator and choose Settings | Administration | Foreign Data Sources on the main menu. The Foreign Data Source & Import Data Source Manager form will be displayed as shown here.

To modify an existing data source, select it in the Data Sources list box.  To add a new data source, press the "New Src." button and give the new data source a name.

Data from external data sources must be exported to Comma Separated Variable (.csv) or Tab Separated Variable (.tsv) files in order for them to be imported by Gnosis.  As virtually all data management tools use one or both of these standards for data exchange, it should be a simple matter to export data to one of these formats.

To define a data source, you must specify a file that has been saved with the standard field format that you wish to setup as the external data source definition.  Enter the path to a file exported from your external data source in the "Data Import Path" box (click on the ellipses button to use a file select dialog to find the file). Once you have entered a valid file path, Gnosis Pro will open the file, read the content and load the Mapping Grid with all of the external fields present in the file.

To complete the process of defining the external data source, you must:

  1. Check on the "import" check box for each field that you wish to import from the external file.
  2. Select a "data table" to which the foreign data element maps.
  3. Select a data field to which the foreign data element maps.

Once you have completed defining the data mapping, save your changes and close the form.


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3. Auto-Importing External Data

The Main Navigator Menu AreaTo import external data, the external data file must have been previously defined by an administrator as described in the previous section of this document, and, the import file must be available either as a Comma Separated Variable (.csv) or Tab Separated Variable (.tsv) file.

If you have your data to be imported as a spreadsheet file, first, open the spreadsheet and save the file as a "csv" file, then, use the csv file for importing to Gnosis.

To run the data import process, choose the "Process Navigator" from the main navigators menu area (shown in the graphic above right) and then choose the Upload Data icon on the process navigator page.

The Data Import Management FormOn the Data Import/Upload Manager page, you are provided the opportunity to select an external data source format to import, and, to choose the file to be imported.

Once you have specified the file to be imported, press the "Load Data From File" button to load the external data into the Import Grid.

Only fields defined in the data source definition will be shown on the grid.  Take a look at the data in the grid at this time to verify that this is the data that you wish to import to Gnosis.

There are two modalities for automatically importing data.

  1. Import only records that do not already exist in Gnosis.
  2. Import records that do not exist in Gnosis, AND, update any missing data in existing Gnosis records.

In the first modality, the import process will automatically import records where it cannot find a reasonable match in the Gnosis database.  Any records that are potential duplicates are excluded from the import and marked in "red" to highlight their excluded status.

In the second modality, non-existing records will be handled in the same manner as for the first modality, however, where a Gnosis record appears to be a duplicate of the import item, Gnosis will augment the existing record with any data contained in the import file as long as that field does not already have a value in Gnosis.

To invoke the second modality, check on the "Auto Update Missing Data" checkbox.

To run the auto-import process press the Validate & Import button.  As Gnosis performs real-time de-duplification checking on the importing data, the import process can take quite some time to complete - up to 2-3 seconds per import record.  While the import is running, you may continue to use the application on other forms.

Once the automated process completes, you will generally have to process some excluded items manually.


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4. Manually Processing Excluded Data

Once the automated process completes, there will likely be a number of items (marked by a red background) that need to be manually processed.  To filter the grid to only show items that need manual processing, check on the "Display Only Entries Requiring Manual Action" checkbox that appears once grid items have been processed.

The Manual Processing Options PanelTo manually process entries, right-click anywhere on the row that you wish to process to display the Upload Options/Status panel for that row.  This panel provides information on the actions taken thus far on that row (if any) and what Gnosis found in the database regarding duplicate entries if any.

From the Upload Options/Status panel, you may view the existing matched Person, Household or Organization in Gnosis and provide additional instructions to determine what Gnosis should do with the record being examined.

Once selecting one or more actions (if required), a  "process" button appears at the foot of the panel which will perform the selected action(s) immediately.

Once a record has been processed, it is marked green (or it will disappear from the grid if filtering is on) to signify that import is complete for that record.


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5. Linking to Foreign Data Sources

If you are linking to a foreign data source which is provided via one a flat file rather than via an on-line database (such as a county voter registration file, or, a purchased mail list file), you will want to periodically want to upload a refreshed file to your Gnosis Database.

You may upload a Foreign Data Source refresh file by selecting the foreign data source, pressing the upload button, then, once upload is complete, running the cleanup operation (if configured) to fully integrate the newly uploaded foreign data to your Gnosis system.

For specific instructions, refer to the process provided for the specific foreign data source file for which you wish to upload a data refresh update.

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Gnosis Process Documentation
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